субота, 29. октобар 2011.

Poem About A Flower (Branko Miljkovic)

A little flower
had just opened his lid,
but he already knew the Sun's secrets
and what the Earth hid.

A little flower
didn't know how to walk in line,
but he knew how to feed himself
with water, air and sunshine.

A little flower
doesn't know to read or count dice,
but he knows what life means
and smells so nice, so nice.

Through The Midnight Air (Djura Jaksic)

Through the midnight air and densly woven trees
The stars are seen to to sparkle and to gleam,
Hearts' pounding interrups the gentle breeze -
Oh, take it easy through those dense trees!

Nearby a stream meanders ahead,
There where flowers rest in flower beds,
That's where courtship awaits and no one sees -
Oh, take it easy through those dense trees!

I'll fall, I'll die, my soul's aflame,
It will melt me by the break of day,
Like a flake of snow at fifty degrees -
Oh, take it easy through those dense trees!


Warning (Desanka Maksimovic)

Listen, I'll tell you my secret:
Never leave me alone
when music plays.
It could seem to me
that some eyes gray
are so deep and soft,
the eyes that are actually plain.
It could seem to me
that I dive into the sound
and I could give my hands
to anyone around.
It could seem to me
so easy, so gay
to love someone
for only one day.
Or, I could tell someone
my dearest,
magically growing secret
how much I love you.
Oh, never leave me alone
when music plays.
It could seem to me that again,
somewhere in a forest,
my tears flow through a new well.
It could seem to me that a black butterfly
makes patterns on heavy water--
those that no one feels free to tell.
It could seem to me that somewhere in the dark zone
someone sings and with a bitter flower
touches my heart where the incurable wound stays.
Oh, never leave me alone,
never alone,
when music plays.

Spring Poem (Desanka Maksimovic)

While watching all these early buds and swallows,
I can feel tonight
that my heart’s slowly growing over sorrows
as someone’s horizon on smiley days might;
That it’s getting bigger like all plants around
and as light as feather,
and that all happiness that’s above the ground
and a Hell of pain wouldn’t really matter:

It’s longing for all things that a life as such

could give nice to thy,
and completely nothing wouldn’t be too much--
it’s eager desire and hopes are so high.
Everything that’s happened has been just a play
of my heart on fire;
my true love has never been given away
as much as I could and as I desire;

There are, in my deeps, gentle tides of words
never let outside;
I could give my heart to everyone on worlds,
yet, it would remain a lot of it inside.

понедељак, 23. мај 2011.

Prkosna pesma (Dobrica Erić)

divine daughter
hereby freely state
with shackles and through the wire
before my witnesses
Force, Suffering and Injustice
that I am guilty and that I confess!

I am guilty of being someone
instead of no one or niemand
I am guilty of going
to the Orthodox church
in times of general Serb-hunt
and guilty of crossing myself
not too often though
thus, with three fingers!

I am guilty of existing
instead of being unreal.
I have a long standing guilt
of standing upright
and looking up to the sky
instead of down at the grass
I am guilty of daring
and challenging injustice
I am guilty of celebrating again
my family patron saint!

I am to blame for reading and writing
in Cyrillic

I am guilty of singing,
laughing and cursing
(and sometimes barking)

I am guilty, and I confess
that I do not know why I do,
and that I know why I don`t know

I am guilty and to name
my greatest guilt
(before I die laughing)
I`m guilty – pig-headed as I am
of being Orthodox
devoted to St. Sava
and of not believing in
the Holy crime and the absolution!

My sin and my guilt is that I exist
and with all that I stand spitefully
refusing to confess I am not real!

Should I confess
to save my life
I will loose the sacred cross
and the patron saint.
Should I refuse
dire future awaits
the entire world will raid my land
Swarms of former men
Thieves and paupers
Packs of robots and other monsters yet
will pounce on my orchards and fields
and my little white houses along the roads
adorned by green goddesses
cherry, apple and plum trees

My ugly image
With monstrous features
That you multiply morning and evening
it`s the image
of your conscience and subconscience
That`s not me on the outside
That`s you – on the inside!
We are very important,
I and my sisters
Truth and Justice
for such mighty forces have rallied against us
and Wrong and Injustice are sneering at us.

Why are Jihad warriors
Crusaders or
to quarter my sons and daughters
I suppose that foreign hordes have heard
that we have hearts of gold
and they are ripping them out
to replace their own
hoping to become human.

I fear not death – the black conclusion
but slavery and endless sickness
Death is a common thing among us Serbs
Just like Spring
and it is not so fearsome
especially in daylight
no more than the drought
if one meets with it on his farm
his soul cleansed with incense
his honor untarnished.

well-fed and deranged,
you`ve banned all in my own home,
but no one can stop me
from singing and laughing as I am dying!
For you no longer laugh or sing
neither on weddings
nor when a child is born!

Spare me the rope and the spear
and crucify me on a mountain top
as your forefathers did my forefather
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I will look on
and you close your eyes
for they might shatter
in the brightness of my face
hurry now,
crucify me this day
and I shall be resurreccted sooner!